What is Spiritual Direction?
An Invitation to Transformation
through a Deeper Relationship with God
What Spiritual Direction
Is & Isn't
Spiritual Direction is the art, ministry and practice of coming alongside another to help them become more aware of God's loving presence and activity in their lives, of who they are and who God has created them to be, and to grow in their relationship with God.​
It is a sacred time and space set apart to reflect and discern God's activity and invitations in your life, along with your reactions and responses.
Spiritual direction is not counselling, psychotherapy, pastoral counselling or mentoring. This article gives a good outline of the difference.
"Spiritual direction is compassionate, attentive, and confidential. It welcomes the other into a safe, nonjudgmental sphere of self-examination in the light of Christian faith."
- Susan S. Phillips
Candlelight: Illuminating the Art of Spiritual Direction​
My Approach
Spiritual "Direction" is a bit of a misnomer in the sense that specific direction or advice is not given. The Holy Spirit is the true director in any Spiritual Direction session and my role is to "direct" attention to the presence and work of God in your everyday life.
In our sessions I commit to pay attention without personal agenda, to listen and linger, to observe and offer, and to be a prayerful presence to you and to the Holy Spirit.
A Typical Session
Spiritual Direction sessions, usually scheduled on average once a month, are available online using the platform of your choice (MS Teams or Google Meet)
or in person at my home in Port Coquitlam, BC.
Sessions typically last 50 minutes and start with prayerful silence (as much or as little as you feel comfortable with). You can share whatever you like about your life and relationship with God. I'll often ask questions to help you reflect on what God may be wanting to do or say to you and we may spend time in silent prayer asking for Him to speak directly.
If you'd like me to lead you in a spiritual exercise, such as breath prayer, centering prayer, or lectio divina, that is an option as well.
Getting Started
I offer a free 30 minute initial consultation for anyone interested in spiritual direction. During this time we'll talk about spiritual direction in general, my experience in particular, your faith journey and hopes for spiritual direction, and discern whether we would be a good fit for one another.
The cost for subsequent 50 minute sessions is $60, reflecting the training, supervision, and ongoing education that is necessary for a healthy ministry of spiritual direction.
To book a free consultation or ask further questions,
Some of the Benefits of Spiritual Direction
"I learned of God's immense love for me and that He is ever present and active in my life. I've learned that God wants us to talk to Him always...I now watch for God in all areas of my life."
- Directee
"I learned that taking time to listen to God always pays off."
- Directee
"I've experienced God's love, care, and presence more tangibly. I've always known that God cares about us individually, but it's through these sessions that I've learned how He shows it."
- Directee